What is Earth Day?

Earth Day, or Earth Day, is an annual event celebrated on April 22 to raise awareness about environmental protection and preservation of the planet. It was founded in the United States in 1970 and has since expanded globally, bringing together people and organizations who share a commitment to environmental sustainability.

What's happening this Earth Day?

The goal of Earth Day is to promote actions and practices that protect the planet, such as recycling, reducing waste, planting trees, using renewable energy sources, and raising awareness to climate change. Various events and activities take place around the world, including community clean-ups, walks, educational talks and green protests. Schools, governments, NGOs and businesses also participate in these activities to encourage sustainable practices.

At Aéle, how do we make each day an Earth Day?

Offering sustainable products is one of our pillars. We have several guidelines to achieve this objective. Axes that can be followed by all brands that wish.


Use natural materials that do not need too much treatment.

At Aéle, for example, we use wool felt, raffia and straw to make our hats.

The processes

It is essential to think about the design and manufacturing processes to choose those that will be the most durable.
At Aéle, we think about it down to the smallest details , for example our labels are woven and not printed. They therefore have a lower ecological impact, are more durable (and the result is still much classier).


Inventory management is always delicate, especially at the start of activity, it is better not to overproduce, it is better for the planet (and for its cash flow).
At Aéle, we are fortunate to work with workshops in accordance with this vision, which do not impose exorbitant minimums on me.

The packaging

There are fairly simple solutions such as using recycled and recyclable materials, choosing the right formats, etc.
At Aéle, we go to the essential by using simple packaging, but which fulfills all its functions: that our packages arrive intact at our customers' homes.

Fashion effects

Offering sustainable products starts from design.
At Aéle I seek to only offer timeless products, products that do not suffer from fashion trends. For this I do not look for extravagance in shapes and colors. The originality of the products comes through the customization accessories that we offer, which brings me to my last point.

Emotional sustainability

It's fighting against “psychological or emotional obsolescence, it's the lack of interest in a piece of clothing, shortly after purchasing it. » (see: The Good Goods)
At Aéle, our offer consists of instantly customizable hats, with a wide selection of ribbons and jewelry hats , two-in-one products that can be worn in multiple ways. Thus, our products evolve according to the tastes and desires of our customers, because it is up to them to adapt and not the other way around.

And you, what actions do you take on a daily basis to take care of the planet?

April 22, 2024

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